Niez, Cherrilyn C. and Jerryk C. Alico. "Relationship of Parenting Styles to Pre-schoolers’ Socio-Emotional Competence and Academic Performance". IJIRES 2.3 (2015): 246-252. [More]
Chirume, Silvanos. "The Viability and Sustainability of the BSc Maths and Statistics Programme of the ZOU, Midlands Region: A Time Series Analysis Model". IJIRES 2.3 (2015): 236-245. [More]
Roy, Ananya Ghosh. "A Correlational Study of Achievement Motivation and Academic Achievement of the Elementary School Students". IJIRES 2.3 (2015): 233-235. [More]
Huho, Julius M. "Climate Change Knowledge Gap in Education System in Kenya". IJIRES 2.3 (2015): 227-232. [More]
Sims, Prof. Margaret and Ms Karma Pedey. "Are We All Travelling Similar Paths to Early Childhood Professionalisation? The Case of Bhutan". IJIRES 2.3 (2015): 218-226. [More]