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We use the system of signs – musical notation – in order to preserve and re-create a musical work of art. A certain level of musical intelligence is needed to successfully work with musical notation, since two of the activities, related to the system of signs – writing down the aurally perceived music and singing from sheet music – are beyond the abilities of people, who possess a very low degree of one of the subcomponents of musical intelligence – pitch (the so called tone deafness). Musical intelligence includes the abilities mode sense, methro-rhythm sense, musical auditory notions and the derivative of these three abilities sense of polyphony. These skills are needed for one to exercise the musical activities: perception, which has its sensory, intellectual and emotional sides; performance, requiring sensitivity, empathic and artistic skills, the ability of interpreting sheet music quickly, accurately and aesthetically well, instrument or vocal technical skills, knowledge of musical theory and aesthetics, the ability to construct a faithful concept for an artistic performance, stage presence, self-control; and composing, which requires sensitivity, empathic abilities, knowledge of musical theory and aesthetics and creativity.