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The hypothesis refers to a personal experience of healing an advanced lumbar bilateral degenerative discopathy. The paper describes a presumable new and yet undiscovered cell transformation mechanism (called “biological transformations controlled by the mind”) involving mitochondria transfer from healthy cells to those which needs new mitochondria. From earlier research it is already known that: mitochondria can exist in the extracellular environment (due to their ancestral origin of being prokaryote cell); they can circulate through the recently discovered (and Nobel Prize awarded) vesicles, from one cell to another and inside the cell itself; they are the “power plant” of the cell. The extracellular matrix integrity of the intervertebral discs depends upon the ATP reactions produced by the mitochondria of the cells which are contained in the annulum. When reactions stop, the matrix disintegrate and the disc slowly degenerates over time. The hypothesis aim to show that the ATP reactions might be restarted (through mitochondrial transfer automatically produced after triggering the biological transformations). MRI analyses (taken before and after biological transformations) confirms the following: a) a degenerative lumbar process had been present, b) the degenerative process had been stopped and even more an intervertebral disc regeneration process started and c) the disease had been reversed to its earlier subclinical asymptomatic stage. However, we hypothesize that male (and female) cytotransformation is a natural biological and physiological process, potentially present in every human being but with particularized differences on male and female. A detailed research protocol of experiments and measurements can provide plausible explanations for this cellular biological transformation and possible application for the regenerative medicine, telomerase research, pharmacogenomics and other personalized medicine developments in the near future.