@article{1923, author = "Jing Shao and Xiangrong Shi", abstract = "The use of educational informatization to promote the innovation of college education and teaching mode is an inevitable trend of experimental teaching reform in the post-epidemic era. Aiming at the post-epidemic era, this paper analyzes the dilemma in the teaching reform of economics and management experimental courses, and explores the road of a new teaching system using of network teaching platforms to build a scientific assessment and monitoring system, implement a new hybrid experimental teaching model, and establish a virtual-real combination of experiments.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Post-Epidemic Era, Experimental Teaching, Combination of Virtual and Real, Teaching Effectiveness, Teaching Environment", month = "May", number = "3", pages = "134-139", title = "{T}he {P}redicament and {W}ay {O}ut of the {T}eaching {R}eform of the {E}conomics and {M}anagement {E}xperimental {C}ourse in the {P}ost-{E}pidemic {E}ra", volume = "9", year = "2022", }