@article{245, author = "Dr. Asish Paul", abstract = "The growth of anatomical structure in association with the different coordinative components of physical fitness influences the economy of movement pattern. The purpose of the study was to compare one such coordinative component with some anthropometric measures of active and sedentary college student. The measured criteria were the speed reaction time, standing height, sitting height and lower limb length. The mean of Speed reaction time (sec.), Standing Height (cm.), Sitting Height (cm.) and Lower Limb Length (cm.) of active and sedentary group were 7.91, 153.33, 73.22, 76.22 and 9.16, 157.75, 77.74, 79.01 respectively. Among these the differences in case of speed reaction time and sitting height were significant. All the co-rrelation co-efficient between speed reaction time and standing height and lower limb length in case of active group and sedentary group were moderately negative and not significant. No such definite conclusion may be drawn from the above results although the moderate negative correlation coefficient between speed reaction time and lower limb length indicated that the lower limb length hinders the reaction time and thus the speed performance.", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Speed, Reaction Time, Anthropometric Measures, Active, Sedentary", month = "May", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "3", pages = "120-122", title = "{A} {C}omparative {S}tudy of {S}peed {R}eaction {T}ime and its {R}elation with {S}ome {S}elected {A}nthropometrical {M}easures of {A}ctive and {S}edentary {C}ollege {S}tudents", volume = "2", year = "2015", }