@article{02, author = "Abdulai Abubakari", abstract = "Home environment is very critical for children socialization, education and development. It is an important place for children literacy and numeracy skills development because children spend a maximum of 8 hours in school and the rest of their day at home. If children learn only in school, it may affect their literacy and numeracy acquisitions skills. The paper employed quantitative techniques mainly the use of questionnaires to collect the appropriate information after testing the children with a set of literacy and numeracy questions of their standards. It also made use of interviews and observations in schools and in homes of the children. The paper found that if parents have no formal education it has negative effects on their children education because children are not given attention at home to study. They tend to engage children more in domestic chores than academic work. Furthermore, homes with poor social amenities such as water, electricity, toilet, overcrowding tend to negatively affect children learning at home.", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Competencies, Home Environment, Literacy, Numeracy, Quality Education", month = "July", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "2", pages = "35-40", title = "{A}ssessing {H}ome {E}nvironment on {L}iteracy and {N}umeracy {C}ompetencies of {B}asic {S}chools {P}upils in {S}awla-{T}una-{K}alba {D}istrict of {N}orthern {R}egion", volume = "1", year = "2014", }