@article{2060, author = "Ashwini K.R. and Dr. Catherine Nirmala", abstract = "E-Banking has revolutionised the financial industry by offering customers convenient, fast and accessible services. However, with the rise of digital banking, challenges such as service errors, fraud etc. have emerged. To address these issues efficient grievance redressal mechanisms are critical in maintaining customer trust and satisfaction in e-banking. This paper highlights on the customer awareness on grievance redressal mechanisms, different types of complaints faced by banking customers and user-friendly processes to resolve customer complaints. Strengthening grievance redressal not only protects consumers but also enhances the credibility of E-Banking services, ensuring long term stability in the digital sector.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, E-Banking, Grievance Redressal Mechanisms, Customer Complaints", month = "November", number = "6", pages = "184-192", title = "{A} {S}tudy on {G}rievance {R}edressal {M}echanisms with {R}eference to {E}-{B}anking {C}ustomers of {F}ew {S}elected {B}anks of {U}dupi {D}istrict", volume = "11", year = "2024", }