@article{2059, author = "Prof. Ishwara P. and Murtaza Rassoli", abstract = "Regulation of financial systems is an essential aspect of ensuring economic growth and stability. financial regulatory frameworks are put in place to regulate and oversee the operations of financial institutions such as Banks, Insurance companies, and Investment firms. The study examines several factors that impact economic growth, the findings suggest that financial regulation and stable environments for investors are critical to promoting economic growth in Afghanistan. Attracting foreign investment and increased corporate governance practices also play critical roles in the economic growth of Afghanistan. However, the data also disclose that progress in boosting regulatory frameworks and promoting economic growth has been limited. Overall, this study highlights the importance of financial regulation in promoting economic growth in Afghanistan and emphasizes the need for policymakers to take action to improve regulatory frameworks, promote stability, and attract investment. The findings contribute to the ongoing discourse within Afghanistan's Financial Sector and Provide Valuable insights for Government Policymakers, Regulators, and Financial Institutions to help create a sound and sustainable financial system that promotes broader economic development objectives of the country.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Regulation of Financial Systems, Afghanistan, Economic Growth, Financial Stability, Financial Sectors", month = "September", number = "5", pages = "169-183", title = "{R}ole of {R}egulated {F}inancial {S}ystems on {E}conomic {G}rowth of {A}fghanistan", volume = "11", year = "2024", }