@article{1999, author = "Paul Kakooza and Samuel A. Mbabaali", abstract = "Using mixed methodology, this study assessed the contribution of terminal benefits (pension and gratuity) to the cost of living and welfare amongst Church of Uganda retired clergy in the six central region dioceses. Following a descriptive analysis that yielded an aggregate (Mean = 2.85, SD = 1.05), an average variation in the cost of living among retired clergy was revealed. This evidenced that Church of Uganda’s diocesan varying terminal benefits barely met retirees’ cost of living, who then resorted to other means of income for survival. The study, therefore, concluded that there is a positive relationship between cost of living and welfare, which in the case of retired clergy were greatly influenced by received terminal benefits. And thus, it suggested that dioceses ought to regularly revise retirees’ terminal benefits according to cost of living dynamics, apart from dealing with the funding constraints which greatly hindered the effective performance of retirement schemes.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Retirement Planning, Family Budget, Pension, Gratuity, Retired Clergy", month = "July", number = "4", pages = "180-196", title = "{T}he {A}rbitration {R}ole of {R}etirement {T}erminal {B}enefits on {C}ost of {L}iving and {W}elfare among {R}etired {C}lergy in {C}hurch of {U}ganda {C}entral {R}egion {D}ioceses", volume = "10", year = "2023", }