@article{1968, author = "Azizuddin Sultani and Dr. Chandrashekhar R.", abstract = "The microfinance initiative has improved perceptions of the impoverished in many countries and is significant for women's economic and social empowerment. Some countries have created large credit flows, primarily to communities and households with little income, whom traditional financial institutions typically excluded. Prior researchers from different countries found that involvement in MFIs increased women's empowerment regarding increased knowledge, self-confidence, economic, social, and political awareness, mobility, and organizational skills development. It is widely acknowledged that women's Empowerment is the most important and contentious global issue. Afghanistan cannot be an exception in this area and is actively participating in women's Empowerment. Since the people required income-generating livelihoods, the government of Afghanistan and the donor communities agreed to establish a microfinance project to operate micro-enterprises with the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development. Nonparametric tests such as Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Correlation Test were employed to answer the research question and objectives. The impact assessment result revealed significant improvement in the empowerment of women's social and economic status after obtaining a loan from MFIs.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Afghanistan, Economic Empowerment, Social Empowerment, Microfinance", month = "January", number = "1", pages = "51-62", title = "{I}mpact of {M}icrofinance on {W}omen {E}mpowerment: {A}n {A}ssessment of {S}ocio-{E}conomic {F}actors in {A}fghanistan", volume = "10", year = "2023", }