@article{1964, author = "Joseph T. Gudelos", abstract = "This study utilized a quasi-experimental research design. One group from Grade 11 was given the treatment or intervention and one group served as the control, receiving the traditional method of teaching. Nemesio-Epifania Taneo Memorial Senior High School, Tingo, Lapu-Lapu City was the locale of the study. The research subjects of the study were the two sections of Grade 11 learners, chosen purposively based on its number of enrollees (25 or more) and on the sections handled by the researcher, whom at the same time implementer of the interventions. Twenty (25) subjects of Grade 11 learners served as the experimental group, the other twenty (25) is from another section which served as the control group. The study revealed that majority of the subjects read every other day for less than an hour. All of them have reading resources available at home which include mostly of print and some non-print reading resources. The performance of the learners receiving the traditional teaching is comparable to that of the learners to receive the reading comprehension activities prior to the intervention. The scores of the experimental and control group are in a normal distribution. There is an increase in the mean difference of the pretest performance between two groups compared. There is a statistical significant difference of the pretest and post-test scores within groups (control and experimental group). There is also significant difference between the performance of the learners receiving the Inquiry-based reading comprehension activities (experimental group) to that of the learners receiving the traditional method of teaching or chalk-talk or lecture discussion (control group) implying that the Inquiry-based reading comprehension activities is an effective intervention to increase the performance of the grade 11 learners in Earth and Life Science class. It can be concluded in the study that the Inquiry-based reading comprehension activities are effective intervention to increase the performance of Grade 11 learners in Earth and Life Science class.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Academic Performance, Inquiry Based, Inquiry Based Learning Approach, Reading Comprehension Activities", month = "January", number = "1", pages = "13-22", title = "{I}nquiry-{B}ased {R}eading {C}omprehension {A}ctivities in {S}cience to {I}mprove {A}cademic {P}erformance", volume = "10", year = "2023", }