@article{1951, author = "Peter Tobore Ofoyeju and Nelson Ejiro Akpotu and Ebele Joyce Egwunyenga", abstract = "This study sought to determine the relationship between teachers’ attrition and students' mobility from the public to private-owned secondary academies in Bayelsa State with a view to determining the rate, reasons, and influence of students’ mobility to non-state secondary academies. Four research questions were posed and one hypothesis was formulated to guide the investigation. Using Cochran’s Alpha formula for small sample size determination, three hundred fifty (350) teachers were sampled from a population of 3,744. Twenty-four out of 91 private secondary schools were sampled for 424 students who left public schools.. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data for the study along with data on teachers’ attrition collected from the secondary school management board of Bayelsa State. The instrument for the investigation was validated and a reliability value of 0.77 was found using Cronbach’s Alpha statistic tool. Findings show that a remarkable number of teachers leave the system annually, and analyses with Pearson’s Product-Moment Coefficient at 0.05 confidence level indicate that teachers’ attrition is not remarkably linked to students’ mobility; instead the need to pass external examinations is. The study recommends, annual recruitment of different subject teachers based on needs and strict compliance with examination ethics and practices.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Teacher Attrition, Teacher Transfer, Student Mobility, Private Secondary School, Public Secondary School", month = "November", number = "6", pages = "223-232", title = "{R}elationship {B}etween {T}eachers’ {A}ttrition, {T}ransfers, and {S}tudents’ {M}obility from {P}ublic to {P}rivate {S}econdary {S}chools in {B}ayelsa {S}tate, {N}ig", volume = "9", year = "2022", }