@article{1946, author = "Md. Reazul Islam and Subarna Rani Kundu and Rashida Khaton and M. Mahbubur Rahman and Chandan Kumar Sarkar and Jashim Uddin and Md. Jalal Uddin Sarder", abstract = "Present study was taken to evaluate the effect of practical anatomy to increase the knowledge and skills of the veterinary students in Bangladesh. Development of knowledge and skills of students was two steps procedure. In the first steps the students were taught the female reproductive tract of a sheep without practical exposure of the organs. After finishing the lecture all the students took part in an identification interview. Researcher gave a tally mark for every correct and incorrect answer for each organ. About 56.79% students were given correct answer and about 43.21% students were given incorrect answer before practical exposure of the organs. During the pre-exposure interview the percentage of correct answer of different organs such as ovary, oviduct, uterine horn, body of the uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva were 90.24%, 23.17%, 86.59%, 48.78%, 51.22%, 69.51%and 28.05%, respectively. The percentage of incorrect answer of the above mention organs were 9.76%, 76.73%, 13.41%, 51.22%, 48.78%, 30.49% and 71.95%, respectively. In the second steps the students were taught the reproductive tract of sheep with practical observation of the organs and they were given few minutes for group discussion. It was revealed that there is significant difference between the pre-observation and post observation answer given by the students. About 98.26% students were given correct answer and only 1.74% students were given incorrect answer at second time interview. During the post exposure interview the percentage of correct answer of different organs such as ovary, oviduct, uterine horn, body of the uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva were 100%, 95.12%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100% and 92.68%, respectively. The percentage of incorrect answer of the above mention organs were almost 0% except oviduct and vulva which were 4.88% and 7.32%, respectively. It was concluded that students of the faculty of veterinary and animal sciences learned with enjoy due to the practical exposure and increase their knowledge and skills.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Teaching, Practical Anatomy, Knowledge and Skills, Veterinary Students", month = "November", number = "6", pages = "207-212", title = "{E}ffect of {T}eaching {P}ractical {A}natomy to {I}ncrease the {K}nowledge and {S}kills of {V}eterinary {S}tudents in {B}angladesh-{A} {S}heep {M}odel", volume = "9", year = "2022", }