@article{IJIRES-1942, author = "Ketut Suarayasa and Miranti and Gabriella Bamba Ratih Lintin and Puspitasari", abstract = "Thalassemia is a blood disorder that is passed down from both parents to their children and offspring (genetic disease). This disease is caused by reduced or no formation of the main human hemoglobin-forming protein. Extension activities aim to provide an understanding that prevention efforts can be maximized by knowing the status of mutant genes in individuals. Efforts to detect mutant carriers through screening for Thalassemia in healthy individuals are an important step in prevention. The ideal screening activity is carried out before someone has children, even from the beginning it is recommended that healthy individuals know the status of the Thalassemia carrier in their body. The purpose of the study was to obtain an overview of the knowledge and status of Thalassemia students of the Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University. The method is a quasi-experimental (one group pre-test-post-test design) and blood tests to determine Thalassemia status. The results showed: 1) There was an increase in students’ knowledge before and after counseling; 2) The influence of counseling on students’ knowledge about Thalassemia; 3) It was found that the students of the Faculty of Medicine had results in accordance with the Beta Thalassemia carrier. Conclusion : counseling has an impact on students’ knowledge about Thalassemia and found carriers of Beta Thalassemia in students of the Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Thalassemia, Counseling, Early Detection", month = "September", number = "5", pages = "190-194", title = "{T}halasemia {S}creening for {M}edical {F}aculty {S}tudents {T}adulako {U}niversity {P}alu", volume = "9", year = "2022", }