@article{1937, author = "May B. Tubang-Delgado and May Lynn Martinez-Farren", abstract = "The statement of purpose and the quality policy serve as the bases in the day to day operation of an educational institution. The level of awareness and acceptability among the stakeholders on the vision, mission, goals and objectives (VMGO); and the quality policy of the University of Antique were determined in this study conducted at Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, Tibiao, Antique. This made use of the descriptive survey method of research, and involved the stakeholders selected through convenience sampling. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire which was designed based on the statements of purpose and the quality policy of University of Antique. Data were analyzed using the mean to determine their level of awareness, and the acceptability of the VMGO, and the quality policy. Results of the study revealed that the faculty and staff, alumni, parents, and the community are “very much aware” of the VMGO and quality policy, and their dissemination; while the students are “much aware” of these statements of purpose and the quality policy, and their dissemination. The different sectors of stakeholders find the VMGO, and the quality policy “very much acceptable.” These findings show that with proper dissemination, faculty and staff, parents, the community, and the students, are well-informed of the University’s statements of purpose, and the quality policy; and that said sectors consider them with a very high level of acceptance.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Awareness, Acceptability, Dissemination, Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Quality Policy", month = "September", number = "5", pages = "182-189", title = "{A}wareness and {A}cceptability of the {V}ision, {M}ission, {G}oals, and {O}bjectives; and the {Q}uality {P}olicy of the {U}niversity of {A}ntique", volume = "9", year = "2022", }