@article{1894, author = "Elham Kavandi", abstract = "This study aimed at investigating the effect of self-confidence on listening skill and to find the relationship between them in language learning process. As listening skill is comparatively ignored skill, it should receive much attention. Considering the purpose of the study, a descriptive approach was used. The participants in the study were 30 intermediate female EFL learners in a language institute in Zanjan, Iran. The subjects had nearly the same experience in English language learning and their average age was 18-20. Researcher-made questionnaire which was piloted earlier was distributed immediately after listening exam. The 30 questionnaires generated 45 responses addressing sources of low self-confidence, and 25 suggestions on ways to promote self-confidence. In analyzing students’ responses about the sources of low self-confidence the following four general resources determined: (1) characteristics of FL input; (2) processing-related aspects of FL; (3) instructional factors; (4) attributes of the teacher or learner. The results showed that there’s a significant relationship between the students’ level of self-confidence and their success in listening skill. This study suggests that foreign language teachers should recognize the sources influencing self-confidence and try to promote the level of the students’ self-confidence through creating non-threatening classroom atmosphere, providing comprehensible listening input, increasing student’s awareness by teaching listening strategies explicitly and asking the learners to verbalize the strategies they use in listening , and by reacting to the students’ performance properly.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Listening Skill, Self-Confidence, Anxiety, Listening Strategies, Comprehensible Input", month = "January", number = "1", pages = "41-52", title = "{T}o {P}rompt it: {H}ow {D}oes self-confidence {A}ffect {L}istening {S}kill?", volume = "9", year = "2022", }