@article{1879, author = "Dr. Leonila Roman Fernandez and Dr. Erick Gerardo Leyva Roman and Dr. Lucio Diaz Gonzalez", abstract = "The clinical tutor is responsible of the organization, supervision and accompaniment, during the clinical practices in the learning process. Objective: Analyze the perception of students, cohort 2017-2021, undergraduate level in Nursing, on the situation of clinical practices, during their training process. Methods: Quantitative-qualitative research; The Likert scale and the Sampieri numerical scale were used to evaluate each dimension. The X2 to identify if there are associations between these competences, with learning. Also measures of central tendency, to identify problems that students detect during their practices. The variables were: specific competence of the profession, teaching competence, composed of three dimensions, pedagogical domain, teaching-learning process and students’ knowledge acquired. Results: Specific competence, 55% mentioned having regular knowledge, 38% high. In the pedagogical competence dimensions, on average 58% have regular knowledge. Crossing the specific competence, with the pedagogical competence dimensions, it was recognized that if they influence significantly each other, in learning. The problems that the students detected during their practices were: 60% large groups, shortage of materials, scarce, insufficient preclinical practices, assignment to services that don’t correspond to the planned practice, insufficient practice time. 61% of the teachers responsible of the school Learning Units totally abandon the students during their clinical practices.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Clinical Practices, Clinical Tutor, Nursing Students, Perception", month = "November", number = "6", pages = "351-361", title = "{N}ursing {T}eaching at {C}linical {P}ractice {S}cenario {S}tudents {P}erception, {C}ohorte, 2017-2021", volume = "8", year = "2021", }