@article{1866, author = "Kimemia N. John", abstract = "The purpose of this project was to enhance uptake and scaling up of knowledge and technologies for soil fertility management. It was presumed that the project would lead to sustained productivity and competitiveness of small holder farming systems in Eastern and Central Africa (ECA) sub-region. The project was implemented in 2010 in the three East African countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. These countries face challenges on how to arrest and restore declining soil fertility mainly due to non-use or misuse and even insufficient use of external inputs, poor soil fertility management and low adoption of technology. The project team recognized that numerous soil fertility management technologies have been developed but this has not translated into significant increase in crop production due to low adoption by farmers. The author of the paper participated in the project as a Consultant in the Communication Sector of a wider project. The communication plan implemented in 2010 was monitored and evaluated for the feedback to all stakeholders in the project. This paper is therefore a preliminary forecast for further consideration by the stakeholders in preparing for the next period 2021 to 2030 being the anticipated and the planned millennium growth and sustained development in the National and International Agricultural Sector.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Communication Plan, Communication Strategy, Communication Matrix, Information Sharing Products, Shareholders", month = "September", number = "5", pages = "248-255", title = " {T}he {C}ommunication {P}lan (2021 – 2030) as an {I}ntegral {C}omponent of {A}ccelerated {U}ptake and {U}tilization of {S}oil {F}ertility {M}anagement {B}est-{B}ets {P}ractices in {E}astern and {C}entral {A}frica {S}ub-{R}egi", volume = "8", year = "2021", }