@article{1864, author = "Ahmed Ragab and Hazem Elbakry", abstract = "Distributed computing has gotten a typical decision as an option in contrast to putting resources into new IT frameworks. Consistently, more organizations profit by administrations accessible in the cloud. Given the tremendous stockpiling of data and information in the cloud, worries about how secure the cloud based conditions are expanding. It is important to clarify and address the issues of trust identified with the mechanical reception of cloud administrations in ventures. The issues that face acknowledgment and utilization of cloud innovation are examined. Recommended arrangements are introduced. Ends are given.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Performance of Education, QOS", month = "July", number = "4", pages = "210-224", title = "{E}nhancing the {P}erformance of {E}ducation by using {C}loud {C}omputingion by using {C}loud {C}omputing", volume = "8", year = "2021", }