@article{1778, author = "Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo", abstract = "In this article we present the necessary foundations on the use of body percussion in the physical education and sports sciences with the aim of classifying the fields of action into ten typologies according to the BAPNE Method. Four main areas which can affect their employment are subsequently proposed, as well as a brief contribution regarding motor coordination in the physical education and sports sciences. To conclude, a proposal on the analysis and evaluation of body percussion in educational contexts is offered.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Body Percussion, BAPNE Method, Motor Control, Cognitive Functions, Executive Functions", month = "September", number = "5", pages = "421-431", title = "{B}ody {P}ercussion in the {P}hysical {E}ducation and {S}ports {S}ciences. {A}n {A}pproach to its {S}ystematization {A}ccording to the {BAPNE} {M}ethod", volume = "7", year = "2020", }